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    Igor Yanvarev "Tactical Mastery of a Chess Player. Volume 2. Basics of Calculation Techniques". Andrey Elkov Publishing House, Moscow, 2025 - 392 p. Before you is the second book from the three-volume work by International Master I.K. Yanvarev, a famous trainer, author of the fundamental work "The Old Indian Played by Tigran Petrosian" (2010), which received recognition from readers and was republished abroad. The three-volume work is united by a common idea - tactics and combinations in chess. In fact, this is a turnkey textbook, it explains everything from scratch to an advanced level. The second volume is devoted to the basics of calculation techniques, such topics as the tactical "spectrum" of a position, concentration of attention, inclusion of imagination are considered, the "tree of variations" is interpreted in a new way, the practical component is emphasized - the economy of calculation. A separate chapter allows the reader to assess their ability to calculate variations and outline ways to eliminate weaknesses. Each chapter ends with a large number of carefully selected examples for independent solution. Unlike other similar publications, the author examines chess tactics as a single whole, in combination with strategy and elements of psychology. It is based on the original author's methodology, which has proven itself well when working with chess players of various qualifications. Excellently selected examples, a clear logical structure and consistency in the presentation simplify the understanding of the material. For a wide range of chess fans.

    19.00 $
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    16.67 $
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    16.67 $
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    International Master Tibor Karolyi and FIDE Master Tigran Gozalyan have prepared a major work (in two volumes) about the life and work of the 9th world chess champion Tigran Petrosyan (he held the title from 1963 to 1969).  Volume II (1963-1984) tells about Petrosyan's victory in the 1963 world title match over Mikhail Botvinnik, about the grandiose two-match confrontation with Boris Spassky in 1966 and 1969, about all his candidates' matches after losing the title – against Bobby Fischer, Viktor Korchnoi and other world-class opponents. All tournaments and matches of the second half of Petrosian's chess career are presented, up to his last performances in 1983. The authors subjected 175 complete games and fragments to an in-depth analysis (using modern computers). Not all of them have been deeply studied and commented on before, but even then the book provides a significantly improved analysis. Among Petrosyan’s opponents – world champions and contenders Kasparov, Karpov, Fischer, Spassky, Tal, Smyslov, Botvinnik, Korchnoi and Bronstein, as well as Timman, Larsen, Reshevsky, Belyavsky, Polugaevsky, Portisch, Romanishin and many others. Special attention is paid to his coaches – Alexey Suetin and Igor Zaitsev. 

    50.00 $
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    Grandmaster Carlos Torre – like a chess comet; his genius flashed dazzlingly and quickly went out in the chess firmament! He – the author of the most famous “mill” in the history of chess, the 2nd world champion Emanuel Lasker fell into its merciless millstones. The authors spoke about the life and work of the Mexican genius (the book contains 25 commentated games by K. Torre). Torre’s book “How a Chess Player is Formed” is presented, an essay by international master Yaroslav Prizant about Torre’s attack in modern practice. In the section "Play like Torre" – 36 instructive examples from his practice to solve. Finally, there is an interview with Carlos Torre, conducted by Gabriel Velasco in 1977. Working with the book will give readers not only aesthetic pleasure, but will also help improve their skills.

    18.33 $
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    41.67 $
  • The height of the king is 95 mm, the diameter of the base of the king is 42 mm. Currently used in tournaments of the Central House of Chess Players. The kit is sold without a board.

    47.50 $
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    Like other titles in the Training Program for Chess Players series, this volume is both an excellent textbook for independent study and a powerful training aid for chess coaches. In the view of many experts, no better work of this kind has ever been written. coach and Master of Sport. Golenishchev's programs are still considered. critically important and are successfully employed in chess schools. His teaching methods remain popular in Russia and around the world. Supervised by Editor-in-Chief and former Karpov, this new edition of Golenishchev's classic work is updated to include important games from the recent high-level chess competitions, reflecting modern approaches to the game. OPENING Fragment 1 OPENING Fragment 2

    30.00 $
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    The book by grandmaster and experienced chess coach Zenon Franco includes 36 instructive attacking games and is divided into four chapters - the king in the center, one-sided castling, opposite-sided castling, and attack-defense-counterattack. Before each game, the opponents are introduced, and a brief description of the events that took place in it is given. Based on the results of the struggle in the game, lessons that are useful to learn from what has been read are listed in a concise form. The book is not overloaded with variations, the emphasis is on detailed explanations in the "move by move" format, which creates an ideal platform for studying chess. At the "support" points of each game, the reader is offered test questions, which helps both the practical study of key chess techniques and the reliable assimilation of the acquired knowledge. Questions and answers involve the reader in the learning process and help him track the growth of his chess strength. For a wide range of chess fans.

    19.00 $
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    The 2nd edition, revised and supplemented, of the popular monograph, which is dedicated to one of the most combat modern debuts – the Old Indian defense. The author meticulously builds the entire defensive line of black (including on the territory of "adjacent" openings, such as the English beginning or the London system), explains standard plans and tactical techniques, offers a number of novelties in current schemes. Carefully selected positions for the solution will help the reader to consolidate the acquired knowledge. The book is addressed to chess players of any level, since the laws of Old Indian are the same for both amateurs and super grandmasters.

    21.67 $
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Foreign editions of VIP

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    310.93 $


    Mit 1 gefalteten Tabelle, 1 Textabbildung und vielen Diagrammen. XVI, 416 Seiten. Pappband mit goldgeprägtem Titeldruck und Goldverzierung auf Rücken. (44) * Exlibris auf Innendeckel. Innen gebräunt und fleckig, teilweise stärker und mit einigen handschriftlichen Notizen. Wenige Seiten mit Defekten, S. 179 - 190 verheftet. Einband verblichen, bestoßen, stärker angestaubt und fleckig.

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    1381.91 $


    It is a rule of course on the game. 1808 - London - William Miller (complete set of two volumes). PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO

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    1551.72 $


    Henri Rinck (French Henri Rinck, January 10, 1870, Lyon & mdash; February 17, 1952, Badalona ) & mdash; French chess player and chess composer, classic of contemporary art etude. Rink & mdash; the author of more than 1,500 studies, 58 of them received first prizes at competitions. In 1909, Rink released his first compilation of & laquo; 150 studies & raquo; (fr. 150 fins de partie) with a foreword by Johann Berger. The book was reprinted in 1913, 1919 (the number of etudes rose to 300) and in 1927, including 700 etudes. & nbsp; 4th edition & laquo; 150 etudes & raquo ;. Autographed by Rink to Georges Renault. Georges Reno (fr. Georges Renaud; January 8, 1893, Nancy & mdash; July 28, 1975) & mdash ; French chess player. Champion of France (1923). The French national team is a participant in the 1st Olympiad (1927) in London. Art W.

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    143.95 $


    A book on chess problems.

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    18620.69 $


    The first Italian edition of the famous book, which reflected the rapid development of chess theory in the mid-16th century and marked the transition of chess hegemony in Europe from Spain to Italy. Subsequently, the book was repeatedly reprinted and translated into numerous languages of the world. Extreme rarity. Rui Lopez de Segura, (1540 & ndash; 1580) & ndash; one of the strongest chess players of his time, who made a huge contribution to chess theory. For example, the most popular chess debut (& laquo; Spanish party & raquo;), abroad today is called & laquo; Rui Lopez's debut & raquo ;. Condition: very good, collectible

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    620.69 $


    with several modes of attack and defense; to which are added, twenty-five chess problems on diagrams. From the library of Lothar Schmid, grand master, the largest collector in the world. Lothar Maximilian Lorenz Schmid ( Lothar Schmid; May 10, 1928, Dresden & mdash; May 18, 2013, Bamberg) & mdash; German chess player, grandmaster (1959), grand master of the ICCF & nbsp;

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    667.39 $


    Ein popul & # 228; res Handbuch mit vielen Spielbeschreibungen in franz & # 246; sischer Sprache, das seit 1718 das viel erweiterte und neu bearbeitete Auflagen erlebte. "Avertissement ...: L '& # 233; dition ... est beaucoup plus parfaite que celles qui ont paru jusqu' & # 224; present ..." Die Abteilung Schach ist im 3. Band auf den Seiten 202 bis 330 dargestellt. Das Frontispiz zeigt zwei Herren beim Schachspiel, drei Personen beim Kartenspiel und im Hintergrund eine Billardszene. Die gefalteten Tafeln zeigen Darstellungen u. a. von Schachfiguren und Trictracstellungen. Zustand: Innen gebr u unt und gering fleckig. Der sch & # 246; ne Einband ist etwas besto & # 223; en, R & # 252; cken mit restaurierten Defekten.

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    327.16 $


    The famous book about the uncrowned world champion. 751 party and composition. VIII, 553 Seiten. Adolf Anderssen (1818 - 1879) gewann 1851 das erste Turnier in London; seitdem unbestrittener Vork mp mpfer Deutschlands.

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    121.76 $


    Mit vielen Diagrammen. 79 S. Original geheftet. (44) * Linde - N. 1301. Seltene Ausgabe mit Beiträgen zu Eröffnungen, Endspielen und Aufgaben. Innen etwas gebräunt. Umschlag etwas angestaubt, mit Knickspuren. Rücken verblichen, oben und unten mit Defekten.

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    Paper covers. Spine is slightly chipped, water-stain to front cover, paper browned as common for that period. Very good. Rare in such good condition.

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    414.58 $


    Volume 3 of the American Chess Bulletin - 1906. Binding tight and strong but worn and frayed. Internally, good. 260 pp

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    Complete year of the American Chess Bulletin - 1914. Unbound with normal wear to wrappers. Internally good