Foreign editions of VIP
18620.69 $
The first Italian edition of the famous book, which reflected the rapid development of chess theory in the mid-16th century and marked the transition of chess hegemony in Europe from Spain to Italy. Subsequently, the book was repeatedly reprinted and translated into numerous languages of the world. Extreme rarity. Rui Lopez de Segura, (1540 & ndash; 1580) & ndash; one of the strongest chess players of his time, who made a huge contribution to chess theory. For example, the most popular chess debut (& laquo; Spanish party & raquo;), abroad today is called & laquo; Rui Lopez's debut & raquo ;. Condition: very good, collectible
8275.86 $
Antique compound half-leather with artistic embossing on the spine binding The first English edition of the most famous book in the history of chess, which, according to many, is much rarer than the first French edition. F.A. Philidor (1726, France & mdash; 1795, London) & mdash; uncrowned world champion of his time. A book he wrote & laquo; Chess Game Analysis & raquo; became a classic, it survived 42 editions only in the 18th century and was reprinted many times later. Condition: very good, collectible
3227.59 $
The circulation is limited to 500 copies. Genuine leather binding with gilded letters on the spine. This is a copy of 267 issued to Khomatov, Tashkent & nbsp; Contains a report of the Congress Committee and all 432 games with Steinitz notes. It was a double round robin tournament of 20 people. One of the longest tournaments in history. In the first half of the tournament, draws counted as half a point. In the second half, they were replayed once. Between 38 regular rounds, 8 rounds of replay and 4 rounds of playoffs for the first at the end there were 50 rounds (!). Like the 4th Congress, this tournament consisted mainly of foreign masters. Captain Mackenzie’s resignation seems to date back to this time (although some sources consider him the US champion until his death in 1891), giving the top American finisher some claims to be the de facto US champion. The best American finisher was Solomon Lipschutz, who took 6th place with a score of + 22-9 = 7. The book is accompanied by an article by the Soviet master Aginsky, the former owner of this book. Tables and charts.
2400.00 $
Gothic. Francois-André Danican Philidore (Fr. Fran & ccedil; ois-Andr & eacute; Danican Philidor, September 7, 1726, Dreux, France - August 31, 1795, London) & mdash; French opera composer, chess player, chess theorist, at one time was considered the strongest chess player in the world. The forerunner of the positional chess school. Philidor developed the tactics of advancing the pawn chain, insisted on the importance of the pawn center and analyzed the struggle for the center. In many ways, his ideas formed the basis of the next century chess theory. The book he wrote, & laquo; Analysis of a Chess Game & raquo; became a classic, it stood 42 editions only in the XVIII century and was reprinted many times later.
1625.12 $
In monatlichen Heften herausgegeben (issued monthly) von der Berliner Schachgesellschaft V.d.L. 125, L/N 6047, GDF 2321 This is a complete run of Deutsche Schachzeitung from 1846 to 1872 named "Schachzeitung and after 1872 Deutsche Schachzeitung It is a series of 113 volumes stretching from 1846 - 1942 and from 1950 -1965 all complete issues All books (unless otherwise stated) are luxury bindings: Half leather fine marbled boards gilt decor spine with fine raised bands All are (unless otherwise stated) very good / as new (in some issues there are pencilled notes) This is; 1846 Erster Jahrgang (Vol 1) Berlin (Veit), London (Williams & Norgate) IV + 216 p Title and annual index photocopy enclosed very good / as new
1583.44 $
8°. (Das Porträt fehlt). 3 Bll (inkl. Vortitel und Titel)., 306 Seiten, 3 Bll. Neuer roter Halblederband mit Rückenschildchen und reicher Rückenvergoldung. (44) Linde - N. 489; van der Linde I, 398; Kieler Schachkatalog 3043. Philidor (1726 - 1795) war der größte Meister des 18. Jahrhunderts und stärkster Spieler der Welt nach seinen Wettkampfsiegen gegen Stamma. Sein Buch enthält seine Erkenntnisse über die Schachstrategie, mit der er seinen Zeitgenossen weit voraus war. Sein Satz "Die Bauern sind die Seele des Schachspiels ..." wurde zur Legende. Die Inhalte sind auch heute noch von großer Bedeutung, es war eben ein bahnbrechendes Werk. Die vorliegende Ausgabe ist der weitgehende Abdruck des Textes früherer Ausgaben, vermehrt um einen selbständigen Supplementteil. Zustand: Exlibris und Name auf Innendeckel. Innen gebräunt, fleckig u. mit wenigen handschriftlichen Notizen. Einband etwas berieben und bestoßen. Dekorativ gebundene Ausgabe.
1551.72 $
Henri Rinck (French Henri Rinck, January 10, 1870, Lyon & mdash; February 17, 1952, Badalona ) & mdash; French chess player and chess composer, classic of contemporary art etude. Rink & mdash; the author of more than 1,500 studies, 58 of them received first prizes at competitions. In 1909, Rink released his first compilation of & laquo; 150 studies & raquo; (fr. 150 fins de partie) with a foreword by Johann Berger. The book was reprinted in 1913, 1919 (the number of etudes rose to 300) and in 1927, including 700 etudes. & nbsp; 4th edition & laquo; 150 etudes & raquo ;. Autographed by Rink to Georges Renault. Georges Reno (fr. Georges Renaud; January 8, 1893, Nancy & mdash; July 28, 1975) & mdash ; French chess player. Champion of France (1923). The French national team is a participant in the 1st Olympiad (1927) in London. Art W.
1439.39 $
n monatlichen Heften herausgegeben (issued monthly) von der Berliner Schachgesellschaft V.d.L. 125, L/N 6047, GDF 2321 This is a complete run of Deutsche Schachzeitung from 1846 to 1872 named "Schachzeitung and after 1872 Deutsche Schachzeitung It is a series of 113 volumes stretching from 1846 - 1942 and from 1950 -1965 all complete issues All books (unless otherwise stated) are luxury bindings: Half leather fine marbled boards gilt decor spine with fine raised bands All are (unless otherwise stated) very good / as new (in some issues there are pencilled notes) This is; 1858 Vol 13 Berlin (Veit) XVI + 504 p Index very good / as new
1295.53 $
В издательском переплете. By Charles A. Gilberg. New York, 1881. L/N 5211. Frontispiece + viii pages + Contents’ + ‘Index of Games’ + ‘Index of Players’ + ‘Index of Composers’ + 539 pages. In original brown cloth with embossed covers and gilt spine. Corners bumped, spine bumped top and bottom, ink stains to covers, otherwise very good. SIGNED (on printer’s imprint and dedication page) by all participants of the 1984 US Championship. Those include GMs Seirawan, de Firmian, Christiansen, Alburt, D. Gurevich and Kudrin, among others.
1243.72 $
One of the first and most complete assemblies of chess compositions, reflecting the achievements of a chess composition by the middle of the XIX century. The author of the book - Aaron Alexander - was in his time one of the strongest chess players in France. Praktische Sammlung bester und h & # 246; chst interessanter Schachspiel - Probleme durch mehr als zwei tausend (2000) Beispiele anschaulich gemacht und aus & # 228; ltern und neuern Schriftstellern zusammengetragen. Leipzig, Brockhaus und Avenarius, 1846. PHOTO
1218.84 $
In monatlichen Heften herausgegeben (issued monthly) von der Berliner Schachgesellschaft V.d.L. 125, L/N 6047, GDF 2321 This is a complete run of Deutsche Schachzeitung from 1846 to 1872 named "Schachzeitung and after 1872 Deutsche Schachzeitung It is a series of 113 volumes stretching from 1846 - 1942 and from 1950 -1965 all complete issues All books (unless otherwise stated) are luxury bindings: Half leather fine marbled boards gilt decor spine with fine raised bands All are (unless otherwise stated) very good / as new (in some issues there are pencilled notes) This is; 1847 Zweiter Jahrgang (Vol 2) Berlin (Veit), London (Williams & Norgate) XVI + 400 p Index very good / as new
Ряшенцев 22.50 $ -
The first chess steps Author:
Kasparov 14.65 $ -
Wooden chess pieces made of Staunton oak No. 6 "Tabia" 120.00 $
A set of two books. Documents and materials of the eve of World War II. 1937-1939, 26.78 $
Game set 5 in 1 in a suitcase (chess, checkers, backgammon, domino, cards) 52.50 $
Wooden chess pieces with tournament board 4 in very good condition, but used 97.13 $
My great predecessors. A set of all published books. 1.2.5 vol. Author:
Kasparov 85.00 $ -
Ways to improve Author:
Zak 6.25 $ -
Wooden chess set in the USSR in the 1950s 60.00 $
A gift to a chess player. Garry Kasparov. My chess way in 3 volumes. Gift wrapped. Author:
Kasparov 93.75 $