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  • The height of the king is 95 mm, the diameter of the base of the king is 42 mm. Currently used in tournaments of the Central House of Chess Players. The kit is sold without a board.

    60.00 $
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    The youngest first–grader in the USSR, the world champion among young men, a participant in the candidates tournament at the age of 19 - Boris Spassky's rise was rapid. And then fate gave the brilliant chess player a test of strength: he stumbled twice at the decisive moment and remained beyond the threshold of interzonal tournaments ... Only ten years after his first great success, Spassky managed to pass all the qualifying tests and earn the right to a match for the crown, but he failed to defeat the Iron Tigran Petrosian the first time. It took three more years of super–efforts: by Sisyphus he rose again to the foot of Olympus and did not miss a second chance - in 1969 he became the Tenth king of chess! An essay about the life of Boris Vasilyevich and his sporting path full of ups and downs was written by Dmitry Oleynikov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, curator of the Chess Museum of the Chess Federation of Russia. 70 beautiful and instructive games of Spassky were commented on by the champion of Russia in 1993, the famous author and theorist grandmaster Alexey Bezgodov, as well as grandmaster Dmitry Kryakvin and FIDE master Steve Giddins. The preface was written by the 14th world champion Vladimir Kramnik. For a wide range of chess fans.

    21.67 $
  • A limited edition of the most famous electronic chess clock. Design & quot; under the tree & quot ;. Released for the 25th anniversary of the DGT. & Nbsp; These watches are used in all major tournaments, world championships and World Cups, World Chess Olympiads. Installation of any time controls, including Fisher and Bronstein controls (with added time). & Nbsp;

    300.00 $
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    This collection of wonderful combinations is based on the famous magazine “Chess” published in the USSR. The editorial office was located in Riga, its members included strong Latvian chess players, and the editor-in-chief of the publication for many years was the eighth world champion Mikhail Tal, who always took an active part in the development of the magazine. Perhaps the most popular section among readers has always been “Find the best continuation without moving the pieces.” A fresh dozen of the most beautiful and instructive combinations, mainly from current tournaments, were published on the back cover, and the solutions were given in the next issue. The combinations were selected by the editorial team very carefully, because the magazine's circulation was more than 60,000 copies and was distributed in more than 50 countries! This edition includes combinations published in the mentioned section from 1980 to 1990. By solving these combinations, you are sure to improve your tactical skills and significantly strengthen your game.

    40.00 $
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    New, significantly enlarged edition of the famous book - 75 games. Anatoly Karpov is the greatest expert on Caro-Kann defense. He scored many bright victories in it, playing both white and black. In this paper, the multiple world champion talks about the most important and interesting discoveries made in the Caro-Kann defense. Many examples from modern practice are given.

    17.24 $
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    18.97 $
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    20.00 $
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    In his new book, grandmaster Zenon Franco deeply analyzes the 69 instructive victories of the 11th world champion Robert Fischer. The book is not overloaded with options, the emphasis – with detailed explanations in a move-by-move style, creating an ideal platform for learning chess. In the "reference" At points in each game, the reader is offered test questions, which helps both the practical study of key techniques of the chess game and the reliable assimilation of acquired knowledge. Questions and answers engage the reader in the learning process and help him track his growth in chess strength. The appendix provides a critical analysis of the unsatisfactory translation of Robert Fisher's famous book “My 60 Memorable Games.”

    23.33 $
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    50.00 $
  • Chess was invented in the 5th century AD in India and spread throughout the world. The uniqueness of this game is that it still covers the minds of everyone - from young to old! Chess combines elements of science and sports. They develop logic, perseverance, attentiveness, analytical thinking and memory.  Checkers is a fun, dynamic and relatively simple game. Every country in the world has it. It is comparatively easier to find a partner here than in chess. Backgammon – one of the oldest known board games. It is known that it came to us from the East. First, you need to master the basic techniques, so that later you can boldly apply various tricks during the game.  Cage length: 4.5 cm. King height: 8.8cm King base diameter: 2.8 cm The length and width of the field when unfolded: 44 X 44 cm. Material: wood Country of origin: China.

    84.48 $
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Antiques VIP

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    7034.48 $


    Фарфор, глазурь, золочение, платина, люстр. Шахматная доска – футляр с ложементами для фигур 55х55 см. Массив карельской берёзы. Размер клетки - 6х6см. Высота короля - 13 см. Работа мастера Леонида Головко. Леонид Головко — ученик и помощник Народного скульптора СССР З.И. Азгура. Участвовал в выставках Москвы, Минска, С.-Петербурга, Амстердама, Лейпцига, Элисты, Дубаи, Берлина, Вашингтона, Варшавы, Кракова, Ростова-на-Дону. В настоящее время его работы находятся во многих галереях мира, частных коллекциях виднейших деятелей политики, бизнеса, культуры. Мы рады представить Вашему вниманию эксклюзивные шахматы, изготовленные в арт-студии художника Леонида Головко. Шахматы этого уровня выпускаются в ограниченном количестве и являются желанным экземпляром для коллекционеров всего мира. В свое время такие шахматы стали ценным подарком для Виктора Черномырдина, Эдуарда Шеварнадзе, Егора Гайдара, и многих других российских политиков и бизнесменов. Каждая фигура коллекции, от Короля до пешки, - реальный исторический персонаж с детальной и достоверной прорисовкой черт лица, оружия и мундира. Все фигуры выполнены вручную из фарфора и раскрашены с использованием глазури и золочения. Доска-футляр выполнена из массива карельской березы и сама по себе является произведением искусства. Бородинское сражение — крупнейшее сражение Отечественной войны 1812 года между русской и французской армиями. Оно состоялось 7 сентября (26 августа по старому стилю) 1812 г. у села Бородино в 125 км западнее Москвы. Формально сражение закончилось победой французских войск под командованием Наполеона, хотя французам не удалось одержать решающую победу над русскими войсками под командованием генерала Кутузова, достаточную для победы во всей кампании. Последовавшее отступление русской армии после сражения было продиктовано стратегическими соображениями и в конечном итоге привело к поражению Наполеона. Наполеон говорил: "Из всех моих сражений самое ужасное то, которое я дал под Москвой. Французы в нём показали себя достойными одержать победу, а русские стяжали право быть непобедимыми... Из пятидесяти сражений, мною данных, в битве под Москвой выказано [французами] наиболее доблести и одержан наименьший успех". Белые фигуры – Французская армия Белый Король Наполеон I - император Франции Белый Ферзь Иоахим Мюрат - маршал Франции, король Неаполитанский, командующий кавалерией Белый слон Евгений Богарне - Вицe-король Итальянского королевства, командующий 4-м корпусом, пасынок Наполеона Белый слон Луи Николя Даву - маршал Франции, герцог Ауэрштедский, командующий 1-м корпусом Белый конь Гусар - элитная кавалерия французской армии Белая ладья Канонир - артиллерия французской армии Черные фигуры – Русская армия Черный Король Александр I - император России. Черный Ферзь Михаил Кутузов - генерал-фельдмаршал, главнокомандующий русской армией Черный слон Пётр Багратион - князь, генерал от инфантерии, командующий 2-й Западной армии Черный слон Михаил Барклай де Толли - граф, военный министр, командующий 1-й Западной армией Черный конь Гусар - элитная кавалерия русской армии Черная ладья Канонир - артиллерия русской армии Подробные фото шахмат Мастера можно увидеть также здесь: Ссылка на видео:"Президент России заказал коллекционные шахматы у Леонида Головко" ФОТО КРУПНО 1 ФОТО КРУПНО 2 ФОТО КРУПНО 3 ФОТО КРУПНО 4

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    A rare first edition released in Berlin. In German. With a portrait of Marotsi. Art 19

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    20344.83 $


    Russia, Kislovodsk, porcelain enterprise & quot; Delta-X & quot ;. Model and mural author A. Lyubkin. Handmade porcelain, overglaze polychrome painting, gilding, serpentine, marble. Set: Temple for figures, chessboard, figures (32 pcs), & nbsp; Dimensions: Temple for figures: (HxWxD) 62x38x38 cm Chess board (HxWxD) 11x65x65cm King’s height: 14 cm, base: 4x4 cm Pawn height: 7 cm, base: 4.3x4.3 cm Chess & quot; Indian & quot; presented in the St. Pererburgsky & nbsp; catalog & quot; Porcelain and chess & quot; & nbsp; (the catalog is not included). The rarest complete set of porcelain chess (with a palace) - even in this catalog the palace is missing. & nbsp; Art. warehouse in front of the mountain. & nbsp;

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    The theory of chess in this book receives a clear and stable presentation inextricably linked with the practical game. Using numerous examples from tournament games of outstanding masters, the reader step by step masters the basics of chess strategy and tactics.

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    628.51 $


    The third, supplemented and revised edition of A. Linde

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    An old artistic semi-leather binding with bandages and gold crowding. art Ш

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    1241.38 $


    Author's, ceramic chess, & nbsp; native packaging. On the three figures there are small skolchiki. The height of the pawn is 4, 5 cm, the diameter of the base of the pawn is 3 cm. The height of the king is 8 cm, the diameter of the base of the king is 3 cm.

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    5793.11 $


    The painting was painted by a wonderful Russian artist Galina Ivanovna Satonina. She was a repeated chess champion of the Tatarstan, and her paintings, which received all-Union fame, depict the wonderful chess life of people, figures, fantastic positions, emotions that cannot be expressed in words, but they are easily recognizable in her works. Exhibitions of her works were shown in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Voronezh and other cities of our country. The figures came to life under her brush, and her painting is rightfully considered the most famous chess theme! /2000/11/nov23.html In addition to the picture, a gift is given to an album dedicated to Galina Satonina. & nbsp; Link to the album on our website: & nbsp;

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    5379.31 $


    The painting was painted by a wonderful Russian artist Galina Ivanovna Satonina. She was a repeated chess champion of the Tatarstan, and her paintings, which received all-Union fame, depict the wonderful chess life of people, figures, fantastic positions, emotions that cannot be expressed in words, but they are easily recognizable in her works. Exhibitions of her works were shown in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Voronezh and other cities of our country. The figures came to life under her brush, and her painting is rightfully considered the most famous chess theme! As a gift, in addition to the picture, there is an album dedicated to Galina Satonina, which includes this picture (see . Photo). Link to the album on our website: & nbsp;

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    1439.48 $


    So hopes and aspirations collapse Under the roar of storms and waves And you say with bitter regret Why were we born ?! The painting was painted by a wonderful Russian artist Galina Ivanovna Satonina. She was a repeated chess champion of the Tatarstan, and her paintings, which received all-Union fame, depict the wonderful chess life of people, figures, fantastic positions, emotions that cannot be expressed in words, but they are easily recognizable in her works. Exhibitions of her works were shown in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Voronezh and other cities of our country. The figures came to life under her brush, and her painting is rightfully considered the most famous chess theme! In addition to the picture, a gift is given to an album dedicated to Galina Satonina. Link to the album on our website: & nbsp;

  • book

    The painting was painted by a wonderful Russian artist Galina Ivanovna Satonina. She was a repeated chess champion of the Tatarstan, and her paintings, which received all-Union fame, depict the wonderful chess life of people, figures, fantastic positions, emotions that cannot be expressed in words, but they are easily recognizable in her works. Exhibitions of her works were shown in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Voronezh and other cities of our country. The figures came to life under her brush, and her painting is rightfully considered the most famous chess theme!