Books 1991-2023
13.82 $
Мир игр удивителен и разнообразен. Они бывают настольные и подвижные, логические и познавательные, командные и парные - какие угодно! В этой книге собраны самые увлекательные игры - классические, известные еще нашим бабушкам и дедушкам, и появившиеся совсем недавно, такие как "Монополия". Они подойдут как для маленькой, так и для большой компании и даже для всей семьи! Во многих вам не понадобятся никакие специальные приспособления, иногда будет достаточно только ручки и бумаги. Итак, добро пожаловать в потрясающий и разнообразный мир игр! Цветная печать.
24.83 $
An entertaining story about interesting pursuits, created by a chess master, mathematician and journalist. Word games, games on paper, games with boards, stones, bones and figures. The book formulated winning strategies (where they exist), many original finds of the author.
31.09 $
This is a real ode to chess aesthetics - the most beautiful games played in the last 150 years. There are essays about all chess pieces, about the centuries-old evolution of views on the ideal of beauty in chess. At the request of the author, the world's outstanding chess players expressed their opinion on the issues raised.
12.43 $
In this book, there is everything for those who love quiet and at the same time gambling. In it you can find games on a chessboard, on the playing field, in dice, with chips, coins, matches, dominoes, card cards and many others. Play and win!
24.83 $
Gift edition. On coated paper. Full color printing. In this book, the famous chess writer Yevgeny Gik gathered together thirty of his chess essays published in recent years. Serious, entertaining and humorous essays are written in free form - with lyrical digressions, history excursions, chess bikes, etc. A variety of genres are presented: interviews, humorous sketches, irony or sarcasm, episodes from biographies of famous people, historical and sports stories. The heroes of the book were the chess kings Karpov and Kasparov, Botvinnik and Tal, the contenders for the Korchnoi and Taimanov crowns, Grandmasters Flor and Gulko, as well as the poet and artist Vysotsky, the writers Aksenov, Vainer, Zorin, Arkanov, composer Dashkevich, the scenographer Krasnov, the television commentator Maslachenko and others. Funny stories about how the chess program won TEFI, as the author was in the Interrekord, and his wife was a double Mireille Mathieu, etc. The book can be considered as a chess album - it contains more than 200 unique photographs.
Not for long. Romantic novel
Amannazarov 4.00 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 5 with a wooden board. 117.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with weighting RCR Terry Nr. 535 Boxwood/Rosewood (Germany) 400.00 $
- Chess clock Garde - ART P-11 200.00 $
Concert for violin and orchestra
Dashkevich 18.42 $ - Wooden chess pieces with weighting Staunton 6 with wooden board 48 cm 123.75 $
Defense of the Caro-Cannes. Classical system
Karpov 18.50 $ - Staunton 4 Wooden Chess Pieces with 40 cm board 92.25 $
- Dubrovnik-Zagreb - Bobby Fischers favorite chess set with a wooden board 119.25 $
- Royal Staunton weighted chess set with wooden board. 108.00 $