Books 1946-1990
3.94 $
The book of world chess champion A.Ye. Karpov and the chess master, candidate of technical sciences E.Ya. Gika introduces the reader to the various sides of the chess game and chess art. The first part of the book consists of stories about world championship matches, about chess combinations, tasks and etudes. The second part tells about the programming of a chess game, about chess competitions of computers. The third part of the book includes fifteen best games of the world champion with his comments.
3.94 $
The book of world chess champion A.Ye. Karpov and the chess master, candidate of technical sciences E.Ya. Gika introduces the reader to the various sides of the chess game and chess art. The first part of the book consists of stories about world championship matches, about chess combinations, tasks and etudes. The second part tells about the programming of a chess game, about chess competitions of computers. The third part of the book includes fifteen best games of the world champion with his comments.
11.67 $
In Ukrainian; about the diversity of chess, rare edition!
6.22 $
The collection of entertaining and satirical stories of the chess master and writer E. Hick contains a lot of funny situations, stories, unusual tasks and puzzles on a chessboard. The preface to the book was written by a famous playwright and a great fan of chess Leonid Zorin. It is designed for a wide circle of chess fans.
57.58 $
One of the rarest books of postwar Russian chess literature! The book provides invaluable assistance in the work of each chess player. Without independent study of literature, chess self-education is impossible, and the skill of the game is enhanced. Chess press - books, magazines, ballots - important means of communication between chess players, information about chess life, propaganda of chess art.
20.72 $
Репринтное издание. В указателе учтены и систематизированы книги, журналы, газеты, специальные бюллетени, посвящённые шахматам и шахматной игре и выпущенные в нашей стране с 1775 по 1997 гг. Отражена литература на русском и других языках народов России и зарубежных стран. Материал аннотирован, указаны рецензии на книги. Издание адресовано широкому кругу квалифицированных шахматистов – практиков, историков, теоретиков, методистов, работников шахматных клубов и универсальных библиотек, собирателей шахматной литературы. Сахаров Николай Иванович (1921, с. Вятское Ярославской губ. - 1999, Москва) – известный библиограф, специалист по истории издания шахматной литературы, доцент Московского инстититута культуры. В 1941 студентом библиотечного института ушёл добровольцем на фронт. Участвовал в обороне Москвы, получил тяжёлое ранение на Калининском фронте (1942). В 1947 году с отличием окончил библиографический факультет МГБИ, занимался преподавательской деятельностью. Н.И. Сахаров – автор многих вузовских учебников и методических пособий. Его статьи, обзоры, рецензии, указатели публиковались в «Шахматном словаре», «Шахматном ежегоднике», журналах: «Шахматы в СССР», «Шахматное обозрение», «Шахматы» и других изданиях. Книга Н.И. Сахарова «Шахматная литература СССР. Библиография (1775 - 1966)», изданная в Москве в 1968 году, получила высокую оценку в отечественной печати и за рубежом. В ней проаннотированы свыше 1100 названий печатных изданий. В настоящее время является библиографической редкостью. В течение многих лет автор был членом редколлегии журнала «64 – Шахматное обозрение», совета ЦШК, комиссии по печати Шахматной Федерации СССР.
4.84 $
The history of the development of chess in the cities of the Moscow region, the work of the best players from Moscow region.
11.38 $
The literary heritage of Yuri Lvovich Slezkin (1885-1947), a kind of Russian Soviet writer, is large in volume and diverse in genres and themes. The collection of Y. Slezkina included the novel "Table Mountain", the story "The chess move", "Different eyes", "Goat in the garden", "Fire point" written in the twenties and thirties. In most of these works, Yuri Slizkin depicts Russia awakened by the revolution, ideological and moral changes in the world of the theatrical and artistic intelligentsia. The writer writes with love about his heroes devoted to creative work and ready to devote themselves entirely to work for the benefit of the young Soviet state
6.37 $
The most useful and interesting examples of the work of 12 world champions - V. Steinitz, E. Lasker, H. Capablanca, A. Alekhin and others - are presented in the visual guide.
8.99 $
Foreword by A. Karpov. Compiled by Voyshko VB The book cataloged and described postage stamps and blocks, art marked envelopes and cards, special stamps of postal extinguishing of the USSR and foreign countries from 1923 to 1979, reflecting the chess theme in philately.
- Vynil Roll-up GO board 12.50 $
- 77.50 $
- Wooden magnetic chess with a Royal board (Art K) 70.00 $
- Wooden Staunton Magnetic Chess (Black lodgment) 60.00 $
- Wooden chess pieces with a Staunton 5 weight in a box. (Art K) 42.50 $
- GO Game Kit 42.50 $
- Nylon Fabric Giant Chess and Checker Mat 300.00 $
- GIANT GARDEN CHESS PIECE. White and black 1499.75 $
- Checkers floor giant (park, garden) 437.50 $