top sales
  • The height of the king is 95 mm, the diameter of the base of the king is 42 mm. Currently used in tournaments of the Central House of Chess Players. The kit is sold without a board.

    60.00 $
  • Author:

    The 2012 World Vice-Champion continues his story, begun in the best-selling books Positional Decision Making in Chess. ("Book of the Year" according to the English Chess Federation), "Dynamic Decision Making in Chess" and "Technical Decision Making in Chess." The new book discusses ways to make decisions in positions without minor pieces. The reader will get acquainted with rook and queen endings, as well as with what Romanovsky called the "fourth stage", that is, the late middlegame / early endgame, where only heavy pieces remain on the board. «Gelfand is very good– and very honest – explains what decisions he was able to calculate and what he had to make on the basis of general reasoning, and how he did it. This resulted in a book of the type that I love. A chess player of any strength can find a lot of useful things here. (Grandmaster Matthew Sadler, reviewer of novelties in chess literature in the magazine "New in Chess"). For a wide range of chess lovers.

    22.41 $
  • Author:

    New, significantly enlarged edition of the famous book - 75 games. Anatoly Karpov is the greatest expert on Caro-Kann defense. He scored many bright victories in it, playing both white and black. In this paper, the multiple world champion talks about the most important and interesting discoveries made in the Caro-Kann defense. Many examples from modern practice are given.

    17.24 $
  • Made in Holland. Chess computer "Centaur" easy to use. You can easily install any language. Using the touch panel  40x40 cm (cell size 48 x 48 mm) you can easily move the figures. The sensors will record strokes. The board has a capacious rechargeable internal battery. The uniqueness of the computer is that it quickly adapts to  your playing strength (from beginner to grandmaster) so that you have the right opponent. Centaur will help you analyze the game so as not to make the same mistakes and improve your chess skill. Please note, computer is not compatible to connect to your PC or online chess. The set includes USB cable and DGT electronic chess pieces . Height of the king is 86mm.  

    1333.30 $
  • Author:

    The 2nd edition, revised and supplemented, of the popular monograph, which is dedicated to one of the most combat modern debuts – the Old Indian defense. The author meticulously builds the entire defensive line of black (including on the territory of "adjacent" openings, such as the English beginning or the London system), explains standard plans and tactical techniques, offers a number of novelties in current schemes. Carefully selected positions for the solution will help the reader to consolidate the acquired knowledge. The book is addressed to chess players of any level, since the laws of Old Indian are the same for both amateurs and super grandmasters.

    21.67 $
  • Author:

    18.97 $
  • Author:

    «The idea of continuing the autobiographical book “Steps” has been in the air almost since the moment it was written. Despite the bullet point at the end of the book in the form of a victory over Magnus Carlsen, my chess career continued for another full 14 years, and the subsequent stormy socio-political career is only gaining momentum.” (V. Bologan).  The book contains 75 games commented in detail and a number of fragments. A frank story about the life and professional path, about cooperation with the leading grandmasters and coaches of the world (among them - A. Karpov, G. Kasparov, Yu. Polgar, Zhu Chen, R. Ponomarev, A. Shirov, A. Morozevich, A. Onischuk, A. Ryazantsev, E. Inarkiev, M. Al-Mudakhka, M. Dvoretsky, M. Podgaets, V. Chebanenko, Z. Lanka and others), about political activities in the Parliament of Moldova and about work in FIDE are complemented by numerous photographs.   For a wide range of chess lovers.

    36.67 $
  • Author:

    This new book by the many-times world champion Anatoly Karpov and the author of more than fifty books, grandmaster Nikolay Kalinichenko, is devoted to one of the most complicated and strategically deep openings & mdash; the Queen's Gambit Declined. Using games played by the strongest grandmasters, it describes the interesting ideas which have appeared in the main development systems of this opening. Along with games from recent years, the book presents the most important encounters from the chess heritage. And of course, it includes games by Anatoly Karpov himself & mdash; a great expert on the Queen's Gambit, who generously shares with the reading his unique understanding of the concepts involved. The book is aimed at strong players, but it will also be of interest to a wide range of chess enthusiasts.

    36.00 $
  • A limited edition of the most famous electronic chess clock. Design & quot; under the tree & quot ;. Released for the 25th anniversary of the DGT. & Nbsp; These watches are used in all major tournaments, world championships and World Cups, World Chess Olympiads. Installation of any time controls, including Fisher and Bronstein controls (with added time). & Nbsp;

    300.00 $
  • Author:

    This collection of wonderful combinations is based on the famous magazine “Chess” published in the USSR. The editorial office was located in Riga, its members included strong Latvian chess players, and the editor-in-chief of the publication for many years was the eighth world champion Mikhail Tal, who always took an active part in the development of the magazine. Perhaps the most popular section among readers has always been “Find the best continuation without moving the pieces.” A fresh dozen of the most beautiful and instructive combinations, mainly from current tournaments, were published on the back cover, and the solutions were given in the next issue. The combinations were selected by the editorial team very carefully, because the magazine's circulation was more than 60,000 copies and was distributed in more than 50 countries! This edition includes combinations published in the mentioned section from 1980 to 1990. By solving these combinations, you are sure to improve your tactical skills and significantly strengthen your game.

    40.00 $
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Russian CHESS House

Книги издательства:

  • book

    5.76 $

    This book is a collection of essays on chess topics related to literature, theater, etc. You will see a gallery of world-famous names from writers, actors, scientists (Erich-Maria Remarque, Marlene Dietrich, Francois Rabelais, Vladimir Nabokov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Alan Turing and many others) to literary characters (Harry Potter, Alice from the Country miracles).

  • book

    24.88 $

    5 книг по цене 3: 1. Е. Гик. Жены шахматных королей. Хотя эта книга шахматная, посвящена она... любви. В главном повествовании "Жены шахматных королей" рассказывается о личной жизни чемпионов мира, их взаимоотношениях с прекрасным полом. В книге также собраны веселые, а порой и легкомысленные шахматно-любовные сюжеты, истории и анекдоты. Читатель познакомится с уникальной коллекцией фотографий героев и героинь книги. 2. С. Ландау. Любовь и шахматы. элегия Михаила Таля. Это книга воспоминаний о личных отношениях великого шахматиста-романтика, чемпиона мира Михаила Таля и его первой жены, человека, близкого ему в течение всей жизни, Салли Ландау, отношениях, как ею сказано, `нежных и противоречивых, светлых и грустных...` Актриса и певица Салли Ландау дебютировала на сцене в 17 лет. Выступала в Вильнюсском русском драматическом театре, Рижском театре юного зрителя, в Литовском эстрадном оркестре, в оркестре Эдди Рознера и эстрадном оркестре под руководством Раймонда Паулса. 3. М. Левидов. Стэйниц. Ласкер. Эта книга была одной из первых в легендарной серии "Жизнь замечательных людей". Ее автор Михаил Левидов был не только любителем и знатоком шахмат, но и писателем в самом высоком значении этого слова. Книга будет интересна не только любителям шахмат, но и всем, кого интересует подлинная литература, рассказывающая о выдающихся личностях, посвятивших себя служению высокому искусству. В известном смысле это книга о Борьбе, умении достигать поставленных целей, преодолевая себя и непростые жизненные обстоятельства. 4. С. Цвейг, А.Куприн. Шахматные новеллы. У этой книги много авторов и общая тема - шахматы. Но читателю нет необходимости даже знать, как ходят фигуры. Ему предлагается окунуться в мир вечной игры - ее историю, психологию, философию... Он ощутит аромат различных эпох, и помогут ему в этом такие великие писатели-глыбы, как Цвейг, Куприн, Леонов и Фирдоуси. Но не только они. В книгу включены также чудесное эссе Чагодаевой - последней жены символа шахмат Капабланки, - написавшей о нем с любовью и грустью, и поэма-загадка неизвестного автора. 5. В. Анзикеев. Десятая муза. Перед вами предстанет галерея известных во всем мире имен - от писателей, актеров, ученых (Эрих-Мария Ремарк, Марлен Дитрих, Франсуа Рабле, Владимир Набоков, Армен Джигарханян, Алан Тьюринг и многие другие) до литературных персонажей (Гарри Поттер, Алиса из Страны чудес). Владимир Анзикеев пять лет проработал редактором в журнале "64-Шахматное обозрение" и газете "Шахматная неделя". Все помещенные в этой книге эссе были опубликованы в этих изданиях и вызвали большой интерес у читателей. Эссе "Когда за доской сатана" (о божественном и дьявольском началах в шахматах) переведена на английский язык. Эта книга представляет собой сборник эссе на шахматные темы, связанные с литературой, театром и т.д.

  • book

    10.34 $

    The book is dedicated to the life and work of the ingenious Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 & ndash; 1893).
    Boris Vladimirovich Asafiev (creative pseudonym Igor Glebov) & mdash; founder of Soviet musicology, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Laureate of two Stalin Prizes, People's Artist of the USSR.
    The book is equipped with a rich reference apparatus: a detailed guide to life, an index of names and titles.
    Edited by A. N. Rimsky-Korsakov.
    For a wide range of music lovers

  • book

    7.24 $

    The book is dedicated to the life and work of the brilliant Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 - 1893).
    Boris Vladimirovich Asafiev (creative pseudonym Igor Glebov) & mdash; founder of Soviet musicology, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Laureate of two Stalin Prizes, People's Artist of the USSR.
    The book is equipped with a rich reference apparatus: a detailed guide to life, an index of names and titles.
    Edited by A. N. Rimsky-Korsakov.
    For a wide range of music lovers.

    This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment.

  • book

    11.83 $

    The book of the famous American grandmaster and experienced trainer Maurice Ashley demonstrates an original and effective approach to the training of beginning chess players. The author breathes life into chess pieces, revealing the rich a palette of their possibilities on the board. In light style Ashley shows features of the "behavior" of figures and pawns in different types of positions, Explaining in detail what to look for first queue. An entertaining and easy approach to learning was very productive: in different years the wards of Maurice Ashley won six US team championships among juniors. Increased format (170x235 mm). For a wide range of chess fans.
  • book

    4.97 $

    A classic chess self-tutorial for beginners from famous authors. It is distinguished by the simplicity and clarity of the presentation of the material, based on the principle of "necessary and sufficient" - there is nothing superfluous in it, but there is everything necessary. The basic rules and laws of chess are outlined, the best games and combinations are given. After reading the book, the beginner is ready for independent swimming.

  • book

    6.33 $

    A classic chess self-tutorial for beginners from famous authors. It is distinguished by the simplicity and clarity of the presentation of the material, based on the principle of "necessary and sufficient" - there is nothing superfluous in it, but there is everything necessary. The basic rules and laws of chess are outlined, the best games and combinations are given. Upon reading the book, the beginner is ready for independent swimming.

  • book

    8.69 $

    The author is the outstanding grandmaster Yuri Averbakh, the most accomplished chess expert and a well-known writer. His book, written in a simple and accessible language, contains the initial information about the endgame that any chess player needs to know. Table of Contents & nbsp; Chapter 1

  • book

    18.00 $

    The authors (an outstanding grandmaster and well-known chess master) lead the reader from the very basics, from the rules of the game and the moves of figures, to the understanding of beauty and the depth of chess. Now you can give battle to your
    neighbor, relative or friend!
    One of the best, legendary textbooks for
    beginners, which has grown several generations
    of chess players from different countries.
    For the widest circle of chess fans.
    Increased format (170х222 mm).

  • book

    13.66 $

    Amani Avni, chess master, writer and psychologist for profession, explores how chess players find important ideas, make key decisions. For this purpose, he interviewed famous grandmasters, such as B. Gelfand, L. Psakhis, I. Smirin and others, who at the time of reading the book will be yours mentors. During the conversations, high-level chess players comment on their most interesting games (or fragments), quite frankly recalling what factors influenced the them during the game, what ideas came to mind, doing rather unexpected confessions, and then answer questions author, opening the veil of key decisions. A. Avni examines the thinking of the grandmaster first of all from a practical point of view: how does a chess player think, why he makes those or other moves on which they are based. Important findings and practical advice of the author will help you significantly increase the strength of your game. For a wide range of chess fans.

  • book

    31.86 $

    In his two-volume work, well-known grandmaster Boris Avrukh shows the way to White’s advantage in all debuts after 1.d4, with an emphasis on schemes with royal fianchets. This repertoire, which brought him among the strongest 50 chess players in the world, he offers the reader, generously sharing his new developments. This volume covers the following debuts: Old Indian, Dutch, Grünfeld, Benoni, Volzhsky, Budapest and some others. & laquo; Grandmaster Repertoire & raquo; & ndash; A new series of high-quality books written by leading chess players of the world. Based on the basic theoretical options, they offer a complete repertoire that will faithfully serve for many years, both professionals and amateurs. & bull; The most important options with expert explanations & bull; Hundreds of debut novelties & bull; The refutation of many theoretical options * Debut repertoire for life Excerpt < / span>

  • book

    36.41 $

    Many chess players know a lot of good defenses against 1.d4 with a further c2-c4, but are not always able to find the antidote from the side lines available in the disposal of whites. From the reckless gambit of Blackmar-Dimer to Vereshov's cunning debut and the devil's systems with fianchettos, not to mention the treacherous Trompovsky - blacks should be ready for a number of slippery systems, each of which carries its own dangers and provides its options. This book provides reliable and active objections to any non-standard debut line, selected by white as after 1.d4 d5, and in the case of 1.d4 Kf6. Where necessary, Grandmaster Avrukh describes all the white systems after 2 ... e6 and 2 ... g6, which is sure to please fans of the New Indian and Old Indian defense, as well as the defense of Grünfeld. "Grandmaster's repertoire" is a new series of high-quality books written by the world's leading chess players. Based on the main theoretical options, they offer a full repertoire, which will serve both professionals and amateurs with faith and truth for many years. Increased format (170x235 mm). • Highlights with expert explanations • Hundreds of debut novelties • Rejection of many theoretical options • Debut repertoire for life
  • book

    35.17 $

    "Grandmaster's repertoire" - a new series of high-quality books written the leading chess players of the world. Based on the main theoretical options, they offer a full repertoire, who by faith and truth will serve for many years both professionals and amateurs. In his two-volume book, the famous grandmaster Boris Avrukh shows the way to White in all the debuts after 1.d4, focusing on the scheme with the royal fianchettto. This repertoire, which brought him to the list of the strongest 50 chess players in the world, he pre- lays the reader, generously sharing his new developments. The first volume covers debuts with 1 ... d5, in the second all the rest - the Old Indian, Dutch, Grünfeld, Benoni, Volzhsky, Budapest and some other debuts. Increased format (170x235 mm). The most important options with the expert's explanations & # 61599; & # 61472; Hundreds of debut novelties The refutation of many theoretical options & # 61599; & # 61472; The debut repertoire for life

  • book

    36.41 $

    "Grandmaster's repertoire" - a new series of high-quality books, written by the world's leading chess players. Based on the main theoretical they offer a full repertoire that will serve faithfully and truthfully for many years, both professionals and amateurs. Many chess players know a lot of good objections to the main Sicilian defense options, but not always able to find an antidote for lateral lines. Famous grandmasters and leading world experts on Sicilian protection consider how to play on different variations of 3.Cb5, Alapin system, closed variant, the Old Indian beginning, etc. Also in the zone of their attention are such poisonous continuations as 2.a3, 2.b3, 2.d3, 2.f4, 2.C4 ... Black should be ready for a series of slippery schemes, each of which carries its own dangers. This book provides reliable and active objections
  • book

    35.17 $

    & laquo; Grandmaster's repertoire & raquo; & ndash;
    Based on the main theoretical options, they offer a full repertoire,

    which, with faith and truth, will last for many years both professionals and loved ones, to the bodies. In his two-volume book, the famous grandmaster Boris Avrukh shows the way to
    the advantage of whites in all the debuts after 1.d4. This repertoire, which brought him to
    the number of the strongest 50 chess players in the world, he offers the reader, generously sharing his
    new developments. In this volume, consider the following debuts & ndash; Refused and
    Adopted queen gambit, Slavic defense, Tarrash's Defense, Chigorin's Protection and
    some other debuts.
    Increased format (170х265 mm).
    Highlights with expert's explanations

    Hundreds of debut novelties

    Disclaimer of many theoretical options

    Debut repertoire for life

  • book

    35.17 $

    In his two-volume book, the famous grand master Boris Avrukh shows the way to the advantage of whites in all the debuts after 1.d4, placing emphasis on the schemes with the royal fianchettto. This repertoire, which brought him to the list of the strongest 50 chess players in the world, he offers the reader, generously sharing his new developments. This volume covers the following debuts: Old Indian, Dutch, Grunfeld, Benoni, Volzhsky, Budapest and some others. & grandmaster's repertoire & raquo; & ndash; A new series of high-quality books written by the world's leading chess players. Based on the main theoretical options, they offer a full repertoire, which will serve both professionals and amateurs with faith and truth for many years. x & gt; The most important variants with explanations of the expert & Hundreds of debut novelties * The refutation of many theoretical variants. Debut repertoire for life

  • book

    24.62 $

    In his two-volume book, the famous grandmaster Boris Avrukh shows the way to White’s advantage in all his openings after 1.d4, focusing on schemes with royal fianchetto. This repertoire, which made him one of the top 50 chess players in the world, he offers to the reader, generously sharing his new developments. The following openings are highlighted in this volume: Old Indian, Dutch, Grünfeld, Benoni, Volzhsky, Budapest and some others. & laquo; Grandmaster repertoire & raquo; & ndash; A new series of high-quality books written by leading chess players of the world. Based on the main theoretical options, they offer a complete repertoire that will faithfully serve many years for both professionals and amateurs. ? The most important options with expert explanations Hundreds of debut novelties Refutation of many theoretical variations Debut repertoire for life

    This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment.

  • book

    24.62 $

    & laquo; Grandmaster repertoire & raquo; & ndash; a new series of high-quality books written by
    leading chess players of the world.
    Based on the basic theoretical options, they offer a complete repertoire.
    ar, which will faithfully serve for many years both professionals and amateurs
    bodies. In his two-volume book, the famous grandmaster Boris Avrukh shows the way to
    White’s advantage in all openings after 1.d4. This repertoire that brought him to
    the number of the top 50 chess players in the world, he offers the reader, generously sharing his
    new developments. The following debuts in this volume are & ndash; Refused and
    Accepted Queen's Gambit, Slavic Defense, Defense of Tarrash, Defense of Chigorin and
    some other debuts.
    Larger format (170x265 mm).
    The most important options with expert explanations

    Hundreds of debut novelties

    Refutation of many theoretical options

    Debut repertoire for life

    This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment.

  • book

    12.00 $

    Author & mdash; outstanding writer, historian, doctor of political sciences.

    This book & mdash; serious work, but written exclusively fascinating, in an almost detective form and read in one breath. Exploring the official and unofficial Soviet documents, the author comes to a very unexpected conclusion regarding the causes of Stalin's death. From the preface: & laquo; At the top of the pyramid of the Soviet partycracy there was not enough room for two criminal geniuses & mdash; for Stalin and Beria. Sooner or later, one had to give way to another, or both would die in the mutual struggle. Both happened almost simultaneously & raquo ;. & laquo; For me, Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov became a great teacher on how to write books & raquo; & mdash; Viktor Suvorov, author of the books & laquo; Icebreaker & raquo ;, & laquo; Day & bdquo; М & ldquo; & raquo; and others.

  • book

    34.48 $

    Author & mdash; outstanding writer, historian, doctor of political sciences. After graduating from the Institute of Red Professorship, he worked in the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), was in the center of the political life of the USSR of the 30s. "Technology Technology" & raquo; & mdash; one of the most famous and popular books in the world about the functioning of the Soviet machine of power. & laquo; For me, Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov became a great teacher on how to write books & raquo ;, & mdash; Victor Suvorov. Cover: Bulganin N. A., Bukharin N. I., Khrushchev N. S., Beria L. P., Malenkov G. M., Molotov V. M., Stalin I. V., Lenin V. I., Kalinin M. And