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    Like other titles in the Training Program for Chess Players series, this volume is both an excellent textbook for independent study and a powerful training aid for chess coaches. In the view of many experts, no better work of this kind has ever been written. coach and Master of Sport. Golenishchev's programs are still considered. critically important and are successfully employed in chess schools. His teaching methods remain popular in Russia and around the world. Supervised by Editor-in-Chief and former Karpov, this new edition of Golenishchev's classic work is updated to include important games from the recent high-level chess competitions, reflecting modern approaches to the game. OPENING Fragment 1 OPENING Fragment 2

    30.00 $
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    New, significantly enlarged edition of the famous book - 75 games. Anatoly Karpov is the greatest expert on Caro-Kann defense. He scored many bright victories in it, playing both white and black. In this paper, the multiple world champion talks about the most important and interesting discoveries made in the Caro-Kann defense. Many examples from modern practice are given.

    17.24 $
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    16.67 $
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    An outstanding theorist and successful coach shares his memories of communication and cooperation with Mikhail Tal, Anatoly Karpov, Isaac Boleslavsky, Elena Akhmylovskaya and other outstanding chess players. Separate large chapter – a story about many years of work with Boris Gelfand: over these years (1980-1993) the student went from a 12-year-old candidate for master to the holder of the 3rd rating in the world. Albert Kapengut – winner of 6 gold medals at the World Student Olympics, seven-time champion of Belarus, participant in the individual and team championships of the USSR among men, champion of the USSR as part of the Burevestnik team. The book includes 70 games commented in detail by the author, a careful study of which will help the reader not only better understand popular opening schemes, but also get a taste for serious analytical work. “My story is not so much about a career, although “you can’t erase words from a song,” but about memorable situations, often funny, sometimes absurd, and dotted about people I met along the way, sometimes with touches of biography, prompting readers to become interested in more complete information.” ;" (A. Kapengut). For a wide range of chess lovers.

    43.33 $
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    In the vast ocean of chess literature there are relatively few books about the endgame, and only a few of them can be considered true chess classics. And the most outstanding among the classics — Reuben Fine's book "Basic Chess Endings". Reuben Fine (1914−1993) was for a long time one of the best chess players in the world. As an author, Fine showed himself to be an excellent analyst who understood the full depth and peculiarities of the endgame. Having studied various types of standard positions, Fine established useful rules for practical play and proved himself to be an experienced teacher who, using skillfully chosen examples, was able to teach the reader all the necessary lessons and introduce him to the basic ideas of the endgame. Many generations of chess players in different countries of the world keep copies of “Basic Chess Endings”. For example, Mikhail Botvinnik considered Fine's work the most worthy of all that had ever been written on endgame theory.

    35.00 $
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    20.00 $
  • Reprint of a large badge (4 cm x 3.5 cm) dedicated to the failed match between Karpov and Fischer in 1975. The original was issued in an edition of  in several signal specimens (only specimens from the collection of A. Karpov and the Central House of Art Museum are known). 

    17.24 $
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    Grandmaster Carlos Torre – like a chess comet; his genius flashed dazzlingly and quickly went out in the chess firmament! He – the author of the most famous “mill” in the history of chess, the 2nd world champion Emanuel Lasker fell into its merciless millstones. The authors spoke about the life and work of the Mexican genius (the book contains 25 commentated games by K. Torre). Torre’s book “How a Chess Player is Formed” is presented, an essay by international master Yaroslav Prizant about Torre’s attack in modern practice. In the section "Play like Torre" – 36 instructive examples from his practice to solve. Finally, there is an interview with Carlos Torre, conducted by Gabriel Velasco in 1977. Working with the book will give readers not only aesthetic pleasure, but will also help improve their skills.

    18.33 $
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    The 2nd edition, revised and supplemented, of the popular monograph, which is dedicated to one of the most combat modern debuts – the Old Indian defense. The author meticulously builds the entire defensive line of black (including on the territory of "adjacent" openings, such as the English beginning or the London system), explains standard plans and tactical techniques, offers a number of novelties in current schemes. Carefully selected positions for the solution will help the reader to consolidate the acquired knowledge. The book is addressed to chess players of any level, since the laws of Old Indian are the same for both amateurs and super grandmasters.

    21.67 $
  • The height of the king is 95 mm, the diameter of the base of the king is 42 mm. Currently used in tournaments of the Central House of Chess Players. The kit is sold without a board.

    60.00 $
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    3.94 $


    A detailed history of computer chess: the world championships among supercomputers and microcomputers, numerous games between grandmasters and computers. The Kasparov games against the strongest programs are commented in detail, incl. both matches with deep blue. Achievements of computers in the analysis, terminations, etc.

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    24.83 $


    500 games and endings with comments. & quot; Plump & quot; gold-embossed binding.

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    8.29 $


    (in Ukrainian).

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    20.48 $


    The book includes the best games played by the leading Volgograd chess players at the all-union, Russian, regional competitions and championships of the hero-city. Rare peripheral edition.

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    Diaries, telling about the daily work of a psychologist in conditions of "super-high" responsibility and in unpredictable situations. The author, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, for many years worked with outstanding athletes (Nona Gaprindashvili, Sergey Bubka, chess players Korchnoi and Karpov) and with the USSR national teams - football, basketball and others. For psychologists, athletes, workers and sports fans ...

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    9.67 $


    The book includes Rex Stout's novels The Death Gambit and Alfred Mason's Murder in the Pink Pavilion. Preface S. Bavin. "A murder occurred in the elite chess club" Gambit ". Nero Wolfe, well-known to the domestic reader and the viewer, takes up the investigation ..."

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    186.20 $


    In the publishing cover. & nbsp; Professor Yastrebov constructed on the basis of his own long-term research, an apparatus that can defeat any chess player, which was brilliantly proved at the World Championships in Moscow. But will the death of an ancient game bring happiness to people ... & nbsp;

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    6.56 $


    Subtitle of the brochure: “Article A.A. Alekhine "Aryan and Jewish Chess" in the light of the latest research. V.A. Charushin. The collapse of the charge. V.D. Chashikhin. The investigation into the case. " The “latest research” is that the numerous passages in the article by Alekhine about “Aryan and Jewish” chess are supposed not to belong to Alekhine’s pen. The original article, alas, is not reproduced. Description of the book - A.A. Alekhine, V.A. Charushin, V.D. Chashikhin - "Debunking" Article A.A. Alekhine "Aryan and Jewish Chess" in the light of the latest research. V.A. Charushin. The collapse of the charge. V.D. Chashikhin. The investigation of the case. Contents of the book - A.A. Alekhine, V.A. Charushin, V.D. Chashikhin - "Debunking" Debunking Prologue Soora Article A.A. Alekhine "Aryan and Jewish Chess" in the light of the latest research Karpov and Botvinnik vs. Alekhine. Charushin V.A. Who drove the pen The collapse of the charge. Chashikhin V.D. Summary Champion and FIDE Investigation of the case Morphy Book novelties

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    14.48 $


    The book you hold in your hands & mdash; & laquo; Deferred batch & raquo; & mdash; somewhat unusual detective, written by a chess player, accustomed calculate long options both at the board and in life. Action it begins on the Caucasian Mineral Waters, and the inhabitants of this In the region, some of the author’s hints can be understood, recognizing features or actions familiar faces. In this story are intertwined and confused mutual relations of the oligarch, his assistant, two journalists, general militia, actress, archeologist, who have to solve riddles suddenly faded diamond rush, participate in the filming of the movie about Lev Isavra, the future emperor of Byzantium, who lived in the eighth century in the North Caucasus six years & hellip; Fragment 1 Fragment 2

  • book

    14.10 $


    The book you are holding in your hands & mdash; & laquo; Delayed batch & raquo; & mdash; somewhat unusual detective, written by a chess player, accustomed to calculate long options both at the board and in life. Action it begins in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, with residents of this some hints of the author can understand the region, recognizing traits or actions the effects of familiar faces. This story is intertwined and confused. relations of the oligarch, his assistant, two journalists, general police, actress, archaeologist who have to solve puzzles suddenly fading diamond rush to participate in the filming of the film about Leo Isaur, the future emperor of Byzantium, who lived in the eighth century in the North Caucasus six years & hellip; This is an e-book, a link to which will be available in your account after payment. Fragment 1 Fragment 2

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    20.72 $


    Collection of games of the international chess tournament (congress) Hannover-1902 (1.Yanovsky, 2.Pilsbury ...)

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    12.07 $


    This collection includes five detective stories, the theme of which is somehow related to sports. Their heroes (and more often anti-heroes) were representatives of the many-sided sports world. Including Agatha Christie's "Chess Riddle"