Big badge Karpov - Fischer 1975. Heavy metal, hot enamel.
Reprint of a large badge (4 cm x 3.5 cm) dedicated to the failed match between Karpov and Fischer in 1975. The original was issued in an edition of in several signal specimens (only specimens from the collection of A. Karpov and the Central House of Art Museum are known).
Ряшенцев 22.50 $ -
The first chess steps Author:
Kasparov 14.65 $ -
Wooden chess pieces made of Staunton oak No. 6 "Tabia" 120.00 $
A set of two books. Documents and materials of the eve of World War II. 1937-1939, 26.78 $
Game set 5 in 1 in a suitcase (chess, checkers, backgammon, domino, cards) 52.50 $
Wooden chess pieces with tournament board 4 in very good condition, but used 97.13 $
My great predecessors. A set of all published books. 1.2.5 vol. Author:
Kasparov 85.00 $ -
Ways to improve Author:
Zak 6.25 $ -
Wooden chess set in the USSR in the 1950s 60.00 $
A gift to a chess player. Garry Kasparov. My chess way in 3 volumes. Gift wrapped. Author:
Kasparov 93.75 $