Books 1918-1945
In October 1943 during World War II, Alexander Alekhine was allowed to stay in Spain thanks to his role as a Technical advisor of the Spanish magazine Ajedrez Español. This collaboration led later the World chess champion to coordinate the publication of several books in collaboration with Spaniards players Francisco José Pérez (Ajedrez Hipermoderno) and Manuel de Agustin (¡Legado!).
The second part in the USSR did not come out. The author says: & laquo; The first part & laquo; Selected parties & raquo; contains 58 chess games I have commented on, in my opinion, the most instructive and vividly illuminating the events of chess life from the beginning of 1919 to June 1921. The purpose of my book & laquo; Selected games & raquo; & mdash; to give readers in a concise form a correct picture of chess life and achievements, starting from 1919 to the present, and highlight the most important thing: the principles of modern chess strategy applied to each given game. If & laquo; Selected parties & raquo; will serve the reader-chess player as a good tool for understanding and studying modern chess wisdom, then they will fulfill the task entrusted to them.
Pollution at the very beginning and end, not interfering with the reading of the text. The first part (the second did not come out in Russia). Bogolyubov: "The first part of the" Elected Parties "contains 58 chess games I commented on, in my opinion, the most instructive and brightly illuminating events of chess life for the period from the beginning of 1919 to June 1921. The purpose of my book "Selected Parties" is to give the readers in a concise form a true picture of chess life and achievements, starting from 1919 to the present day and highlighting the most important: the principles of modern chess strategy with respect to each given party. If the "Selected Parties" serve the chess reader as a good tool for understanding and studying modern chess wisdom, then they will fulfill the task assigned to them.
10.34 $
Lifetime edition. The best chess player and analyst of his time commented on his 100 games of 1924-27, including the whole match for the world championship with Capablanca.
My system is 1984. In rare black cover.
Nimzovich 47.50 $ - 64 chess review No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 for 2024 (Price per issue) 5.00 $
- Wooden chess for three "large" / (Poland) (Madon) 214.50 $
- Large wooden chess with "Jowisz" weighting / Jupiter (Poland) (Wegiel) 160.00 $
- Large handcrafted wooden chess set Imperator / Emperor (Poland) (Wegiel) 242.50 $
- Wooden game set 3 in 1 No. 180 "medium" (chess, checkers, backgammon) / (Poland) (Madon) 148.00 $
- Wooden chess "Indian" No. 123 / (Poland) (Madon) 183.15 $
- Wooden chess "Olympic" No. 122 / (Poland) (Madon) 132.50 $
- Tournament chess 8 229.50 $
- Tournament chess 7 239.00 $